we help you.
generate opportunities.
Our approach helps you better understand the different impacts that global trends will have on your business. Based on this we can determine which combination of circular economy approaches best suits your business.
As a first approach, we build a scenario that answers the question: "what would my business look like if it became circular?"
support change.
We help you to (re-)design your products, services and business models and we initiate the innovations necessary to achieve this. We support you throughout the process of implementing the selected opportunities.
provoke projects.
With our "think tank" approach, we identify business opportunities and the associated potential projects.
Through methods of questioning, rephrasing and induction and thanks to our ability to immerse ourselves in your business, we help you extract the greatest potential from your ideas. We help you reach the highest level of ambition and radicality and thus increase the chances of success of your projects in the implementation phases.

our method.
We proceed in several steps, which first allow us to get to know you so that we can then identify the best tools and approaches to apply to your business. Our goal is to identify together the opportunities that arise from an approach that includes sustainability in your strategy as a driver for performance and that is translated into a concrete path using on one side the concepts and objectives of the circular economy and on the other the creativity of an innovation process. It is important to remember that the circular economy is a process of transformation and innovation and that it is by approaching it in this way that it will express its best potential at the service of your strategy, your performance and your resilience.
The circular economy and the innovation on which it feeds aim at enabling you to deal in the most effective way and take advantage of the opportunities that can arise from the global trends of the demographic explosion, the changing demands and expectations of consumers (who will gradually become users), the scarcity of resources and associated geopolitical tensions, price volatility and environmental and social crises: climate change, pollution, loss of biodiversity, etc.
1. align knowledge and understanding.
The same words are likely to have different meanings for every person. Similarly, a situation or a fact only exists through the perception he.she has. It is therefore crucial to get aligned on the terms we use, the initial situation and the objectives.
2.get to know you.
This step combines three main actions:
describe and understand your business, products and services, business model, value proposition and strategy
understand the risks you face: how are you impacted by global trends, what are your future risks and with what consequences?
describe and understand your value chain, translate it into costs and impacts, understand which steps you have control over or not, including downstream by understanding the expectations of your customers' customers
3. determine the best approach and design a scenario.
The circular economy is not a single model, it is made up of different concepts and objectives that are best combined according to your constraints and objectives.
We will determine together the combination that best suits your business; the one that will offer the greatest potential for value creation.
At this stage, we will jointly build a scenario that answers the question: "what would my business look like if it became circular?"
4. moving from scenario to implementation.
The scenario we built in the previous step looks like an ideal version of your renewed strategy. Depending on your desire and your organization's ability to manage change, the transformation can be quick or gradual.
We will examine the gap that exists between your current situation and the intended situation to build together the path that separates you from this new version of yourself.
This analysis and this path integrate organizational, technical, technological issues, design or redesign of products, services and economic models and all associated innovation issues.